"With the Landslide Victory in this Burma's 2012-Election, I think a New Era has begun for Burma and our focus now should shift to rebuilding the country, opening up doors for businesses, welcoming trade opportunities and working with the rest of the world for a positive change.

With this being the case, I am going to start a new blog that reflects and promotes such cause, welcomes the New Era of Burma and will continue sharing news, info & organize activities with you all......

Please Come & Join me at "BurmaAndNewEra.blogspot.com"!!!!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Invitation to "Chin National Day" Event

Dear all:

You all are cordially invited to:---

- 60th Anniversary of "Chin National Day" - will be held, for the first time in LA, on February 24-2008 (Sunday) from 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm.- Location: 629 (B) E. Garvey Ave, Monterey Park, CA 91755. (Near Yoma Restaurent & Behind East-West Dental Office)

- Paul Lahpai (Live Band), Rendezvous Band and Melody Band will perform after Chin Traditional programs.
- Chin Families in Southern California will provide refreshments (Dinner).
- Fund Raising items from ABSDF: 2008 Calendar and Books will also available.