(Translation of Ludu U Sein Win’s Speech given on March 9th, 2008)
"Dear friends:
In the history of the World, there’s never been a despot who willingly relinquished the power within his clutch. Hitler had to be overpowered. By the same token, the Philippines’ Marcos and Indonesia’s Suharto had to be forced out.
Nor has there ever been a country that was successfully rescued by the United Nations. So please don’t fantasize—don’t waste time dealing with the Security Council or brokering dialogues.
The Country is hurting; the people are suffering. We’ve endured this regime for nearly half a century. [Our struggle] ought to be brought to a swift end. We already have the power necessary to defeat the regime. It’s People Power. Nothing is more powerful than that.
Last September, during the Saffron Revolution, we showed you the courage of our monks, students, and the public. The voices of those who claimed the people could no longer stir or rise up; those who, based on this notion, advocated dialogues and negotiation in the hope of securing positions and favor for themselves—these voices have been silenced forever.
Friends, this is the critical moment when the tide can turn. The Saffron Revolution made this possible. Its momentum reached worldwide. We must make the most of this chance.
Believe in the Burmese people’s heroism. Believe in People Power. Defeat the Despot with People Power."
Ludu Sein Win (Burma's Famous Writer)
March 3, 2008