"With the Landslide Victory in this Burma's 2012-Election, I think a New Era has begun for Burma and our focus now should shift to rebuilding the country, opening up doors for businesses, welcoming trade opportunities and working with the rest of the world for a positive change.

With this being the case, I am going to start a new blog that reflects and promotes such cause, welcomes the New Era of Burma and will continue sharing news, info & organize activities with you all......

Please Come & Join me at "BurmaAndNewEra.blogspot.com"!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"8888 LA Organizer" Group Announcement

Dear "8888 LA Organizers" Group Members and Friends,

We have two issues that need your support and attention:

(1) Protest in San Francisco against Chinese Olympic Torch Relay
- On April 9, 2008 (Wednesday)
- Meet at Vista Point (Marin side) at 9:30 am and
- then walk at 10 am arranged by BADA and USCB.
- SF is the only North American city to host the Relay.
- Whoever want to join this protest please contact us at 714-260-2960 ASAP so that we can arrange for transportation.

(2) Website for "8888 LA Organizer Group"
- We have been communicating with all the members via Yahoo Group.
- It has been pretty efficient.
- However, to reach out more people with our activities, we are planning to create a stand-alone web site.
- We do need a domain name for the site which should include but not limited to such as Burma, Burmese, Democracy, Freedom, movement, action, LA etc. etc.
- The last one we have is "LA Burma Action".
- Please post your favorite domain name at our yahoo group.
- We will go over all the submitted names and pick the best one.

Thank you.