"With the Landslide Victory in this Burma's 2012-Election, I think a New Era has begun for Burma and our focus now should shift to rebuilding the country, opening up doors for businesses, welcoming trade opportunities and working with the rest of the world for a positive change.

With this being the case, I am going to start a new blog that reflects and promotes such cause, welcomes the New Era of Burma and will continue sharing news, info & organize activities with you all......

Please Come & Join me at "BurmaAndNewEra.blogspot.com"!!!!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Burma (Arakan State): 1600 Sign Letter Against Government's Harassment of Labour Right Activists

Pic: Forced Labor in Burma

Mar 18, 2008 (DVB)

–About 1600 signatures have been collected from the people of Arakan state for a complaint letter to the International Labour Organization about the government’s increased harassment of labour right activists.

The letter, addressed to the ILO (International Labor Organization) headquarters in Geneva, details the rising number of labour right activists who have been arrested and imprisoned by the military junta, one of the campaign leaders said.

The letter also calls for ILO action against the military government for breaching the agreement recently signed between the regime and the ILO to extend its cooperation on tackling forced labour.

In January this year, residents of Taunggok township in Arakan state collected signatures for a petition to be sent to the ILO to draw attention to forced guard duties imposed on them by local authorities.