"With the Landslide Victory in this Burma's 2012-Election, I think a New Era has begun for Burma and our focus now should shift to rebuilding the country, opening up doors for businesses, welcoming trade opportunities and working with the rest of the world for a positive change.

With this being the case, I am going to start a new blog that reflects and promotes such cause, welcomes the New Era of Burma and will continue sharing news, info & organize activities with you all......

Please Come & Join me at "BurmaAndNewEra.blogspot.com"!!!!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Driving for Burma

A Burmese guy from Toronta, Canada is going to drive across North-America to raise awareness for Free-Burma Campaign.

Starting from December 1st 2007, he will be driving from Toronta (Canada) to Washington DC (USA), then to Los Angeles, California (USA). It is driving across the whole United States from east-coast to west-coast. From Los Angeles, he will drive up north to Vancouver (Canada) and then will be back to Toronta (Canada).

His car will be painted with all the "Free-Burma" posters.

We strongly support him for such a brave, unique and fantastic idea!
This is a very innovative way to raise awareness for our Free-Burma activities.

For more information, you can visit www.drivingforburma.blogspot.com.