"With the Landslide Victory in this Burma's 2012-Election, I think a New Era has begun for Burma and our focus now should shift to rebuilding the country, opening up doors for businesses, welcoming trade opportunities and working with the rest of the world for a positive change.

With this being the case, I am going to start a new blog that reflects and promotes such cause, welcomes the New Era of Burma and will continue sharing news, info & organize activities with you all......

Please Come & Join me at "BurmaAndNewEra.blogspot.com"!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Singapore Police & Burmese Demonstrators

This is the video taken at the Demonstration in Singapore. It was on Nov 20th, at downtown Singapore. You can see that the singapore police force came, asked questions and recorded the Identification/info of the demonstartors.

That's the major difference between Singapore and other Western countries.
We did our peaceful demonstrations here in the U.S quite a few times and no police asked for any ID. Same in other countries as U.K, Australia, Norway or Japan.

A few of my friends in Singapore have already got written warnings from the police and they had to give a few visits to the police stations. Two of my friends have their personal computers taken away by the police without prior notices.

Thanks Niknayman (niknayman.blogspot.com) for the video.